Something I typically work with my coaching clients on is writing out or at least talking about their why. A lot of times we get so caught up in the scale, the weight loss, the program, that we lose sight of our why. Why are you doing this?
Every day you’re waking up and you’ve already pre-packed your lunch, and you have a healthy breakfast option, and you’re drinking your water, and you’re getting in your exercise. Why are you doing that?
Chances are, there are several reasons, and you need to refocus on your why continuously. Often when people “get knocked off” and struggle to get back on, it’s because they aren’t connecting with their why. If you don’t have this, I urge you to do it now. Create a list of whys. Don’t worry about how superficial your reasons sound.
Don’t worry about sounding like you’re being selfish in what you want. Put it all out there. Maybe it’s wanting to be a better mother, wanting to be a better wife, or just wanting to look better in pants, wanting to be able to buy clothes in a regular size store. It could be for things that are medically related. You could need to get off your medication. I get it all. Write it all out.
Write your whys down and reconnect with them on a daily basis, keeping in mind there is no end to being healthy. I’m continuously working on getting healthier. I’m continuously working on getting stronger. There is no cutoff where you say, I am now healthy. You’re constantly working at it, just like maintaining a car.
You’re doing things every day to keep that going, right? I don’t look it as you’re on or you’re off or you’re good or you’re bad. I look at it as degrees of health. Are you being the healthiest version of yourself today?
That can be something that depends on the person. If you’ve been extremely strict with what you’ve been eating and you decide you want to have that piece of birthday cake at a party, that might be the best thing you can do for your mental health in that moment.
You have to ask yourself, is this healthy for me physically, mentally and emotionally, and am I enjoying my life? If the answer is yes to all those things, then you’re doing the right things.
Throughout this process, connect with your why. Never lose sight of why you’re doing this and working toward swinging your life in a healthier direction. It’s not on and off. It’s varying degrees of health.
You are not the only one who struggles with getting back on track when you’ve gotten knocked off. Comment below or on Facebook to share your whys.