Wednesday Workouts : Week 3

Barbell Pushup Smoke by Louish Pixel - Creative Commons license
Barbell Pushup Smoke by Louish Pixel - Creative Commons license
Barbell Pushup Smoke by Louish Pixel – Creative Commons license – Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

by Heather Robertson

Here is week three of our Wednesday Workout series. I’m giving you two different days worth of workouts. These are workouts you can do in about 30 minutes or less.

And don’t worry if you don’t have equipment like kettle bells or weights. I’ve provided “optional” exercises you can use.

There are also example videos linked to each exercise to help you see how they are performed correctly. If these exercises are new to you, or it’s been awhile since you’ve tried them, please watch the videos and practice before doing the workout.

You don’t need a lot of time to get a great work out. Remember to take your time, stay safe, and keep your body moving!

Disclaimer:  Please talk to your doctor, personal trainer, or other fitness or health professional before starting any exercise program. These are all examples of exercises I have used. However, everyone’s different, so what works for me may, or may not, work for you. Please always be careful when doing these or any exercises and listen to your body. In other words, stop or take a break whenever you need to.

Before trying the exercises below, please check out the video examples. Just click the exercise title/link to view the videos. It’s important to use good form and technique so you don’t hurt  yourself while working out. Remember to practice the moves. The goal is to stay healthy and fit, not to get hurt! 🙂

Day 1

Warm up

15 mountain climbers

60 second plank right

60 second plank left

(Click here for plank video.)

20 jumping jacks

Equipment you’ll need for workout:

  • Timer
  • kettlebell or
  • hand weights: 5-15lb each, depending on your fitness level
  • kick-butt music!

Work out

Do the following series of exercises 3 times each. Perform each exercise as fast as you can. Time yourself to see how long it takes you to perform the entire workout.




5 high pulls each arm with kettle bell/ no kettle bell 5 Decline push ups10 high pulls each arm/ no kettle bell 10 decline push ups15 high pulls with kettle bell/ no kettle bell 15 decline push ups
Run down the drive way and backRun down your road and backRun around the block or 200 meters
5 Prisoner squats10 prisoner squats20 prisoner squats
2 man makers5 man makers10 man makers

High pulls on each arm with kettlebell

If you don’t have a kettlebell, then replace kettlebell exercises with the following:

Decline pushups

Prisoner squats

Man AND Woman makers

Day 2

Warm up

Run 400 meters, or 2 blocks

20 burpees

10 sit ups 

Equipment you’ll need for workout:

  • towel or shirt to put under your body
  • barbell squats (Use a heavier weight, but this depends on your fitness level. Be sure to test your comfort level before starting. Stop if it’s too much weight!)
  • kettlebell
  • timer
  • mat
  • Kick-butt music


4 rounds for time. Set your timer and see how fast you can do all 4 rounds.


Intermediate A


5 back squats with weights/ no weights 5 body weight squats10 back squats with weight/ no weight 10 body weight squats20 squats with weight/ no weight 20 body weight squats
5 walking lunges with or without weight your choice10 walking lunges with weights15 walking lunges with weights
3 Clean and press each arm with kettle bell/ no kettle bell do 3 tricep push ups5 clean and press each arm/ no kettle bell 5 tricep push ups8 clean and press each arm with kettle bell/ no ketlle bell do 8 tricep push ups
3 Pull forwards5 pull forwards10 pull forwards

15 Back squats with weight

Kettlebell clean and press

If you have no weights available, then do the following exercises:

20 Squats using your own body weight

Tricep push up

Walking lunges (You can do these with or without weights)

Pull forward

Keep a log of your performance this week. Then, 8 weeks from now, you can repeat this work out to see how your rep count (the number of times you can do each exercise) improves.

Good luck and please let me know how you did in the comments section below!